IT 201-021-Project 1-Farheen Ali
Brief Description: I have created an application where the user can put together objects to make unique artwork using 3D shapes. The user will be able to choose a 3D shape from a select list (dropdown menu), choose the color (dropdown menu), and the size of the 3D shapes (slider). The user can left click anywhere on the scene to place the object wherever they like. On the top left corner, it will state where the user’s mouse position is. After ten seconds, the objects will be destroyed.
Feature 1: Display Mouse Position
Input: Mouse Location
Process: Assign mouse X, Y, and Z position to text object
Output: The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the user’s mouse displayed at the top left corner
Difference: This feature is different from class project because I have added the z coordinate
Feature 2: Change 3D Shape
Input: Dropdown Menu
Process: In the dropdown menu the 3D objects that are listed are cube, capsule, cylinder, and sphere
Output: The object the user had chosen can place it on the scene
Difference: This feature is different from class project because I have an extra 3D object option
Feature 3: Change Size
Input: Slider
Process: The left slide would have a small numeric value and the right would have a large numeric value
Output: When the slider is moved to the right, the object would be small. When moved towards the right then the object would be large. If the slider is moved towards the middle the shape would be medium sized.
Difference: This feature is different from the class project because there is not an option to change the object’s size.
Feature 4: Change Color
Input: Dropdown menu
Process: In the dropdown menu the colors that are listed are red, yellow, green, blue, magenta, black, and white
Output: The color that is chosen will change the color of the object
Difference: This feature is different from the class project because to choose the color in my project is a dropdown menu rather than a slider
Feature 5: Placing 3D Object
Input: Left Mouse Click
Process: The user chooses an object, size, and color they are able to click on any part of the scene to place the object
Output: The user left clicks on the scene and places the 3D object
Difference: This feature is different from the class project because this is not a painting tool, this is putting different 3D objects together to make an artwork scene.
Feature 6: Destroy 3D Object
Input: Ten seconds
Process: Placing the object one the screen
Output: Object will be destroyed after ten seconds
Difference: The time is different from the one in class