A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Feature 1: Display Mouse Position

Input: Mouse Location

Process: Assign mouse X, Y, and Z position to text object 

Output: The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the user’s mouse displayed at the top left corner

Difference: This feature is different from class project because I have added the z coordinate

  1. Feature 2: Change 3D Shape

Input: Dropdown Menu

Process: In the dropdown menu the 3D objects that are listed are cube, capsule, cylinder, and sphere

Output: The object the user had chosen can place it on the scene 

Difference: This feature is different from class project because I have an extra 3D object option

  1. Feature 3: Change Color

Input: Dropdown menu

Process: In the dropdown menu the colors that are listed are red, yellow, green, blue, magenta, black, and white

Output: The color that is chosen will change the color of the object

Difference: This feature is different from the class project because to choose the color in my project is a dropdown menu rather than a slider

  1. Feature 4: Placing 3D Object 

Input: Left Mouse Click

Process: The user chooses an object, size, and color they are able to click on any part of the scene to place the object

Output: The user left clicks on the scene and places the 3D object

Difference: This feature is different from the class project because this is not a painting tool, this is putting different 3D objects together to make an artwork scene.

  1. Feature 5: Time Displayed Changes to Random Colors

Input: Text 

Process: The user left clicks on the time

Output: The time displayed will change to random colors

Difference: When clicked the time will randomly change colors

  1. Feature 6: Timed Destroy Checkbox

Input: Checkbox 

Process: The user clicks the checkbox

Output: When the user clicks the check box then the object will be destroyed after 10 seconds

Difference: Checkbox is used if they want to have the objects deleted in 10 seconds

  1. Feature 7: Delete All Objects 

Input: Button

Process: The user left clicks on the button

Output: When the user clicks on the button then the objects that the user created will be deleted 

Difference: The delete all button will be used to delete things from the screen

  1. Feature 8: Random Scale Object Toggle

Input: Checkbox

Process: The user left clicks on the button

Output: When the user selects the checkbox, then the objects that is created will have random dimensions

Difference: It is used by the checkbox and the range of random dimensions size is between 1 and 2.5

  1. Feature 9: Change 3D Shape

Input: Dropdown Menu

Process: In the dropdown menu, the 3D objects that are listed are cube, capsule, cylinder, sphere, prefab star, prefab flower, and prefab cat

Output: The object the user had chosen can be placed on the scene 

Difference: Three prefabs are added to the shape dropdown

  1. Feature 10: Direction Popup Panel

Input: Button

Process: When the user clicks on the “Directions” button, a popup panel will show up with the directions then when the user clicks the “Close” button the popup panel will go away

Output: The direction popup panel will show up in the center of the screen 

Difference: The direction popup panel is animated using scale and increases in scale. Then, the animated scale (decreases in scale) for the popup panel to close the popup.

  1. Feature 11: Animation Dropdown

Input: Dropdown

Process: In the dropdown menu, there are three options: none, scale, and rotate

Output: When the user chooses none, the 3D shapes do not have any animation. The scale is when the 3D shape will have the animation where it increases and decreases in size. The rotation is when the 3D shape spins.

Difference: The user can choose between animations (scale and rotate); this will also apply to the prefabs

  1. Feature 12: Animation Speed Slider

Input: Pressing 0, 1, or 2 on the keyboard

Process: When the user presses 0 on the keyboard, the “Unleash Your Imagination Phrase” will have no animation. When the user presses 1 on the keyboard, the phrase will have a spinning animation. When the user presses 2 on the keyboard, the phrase will have a scale animation

Output: The animation of the phrase will change according to what the user has chosen Difference: The keys are pressed so that they can do different actions to the text

Published 3 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android


IT201_Sprint04_FarheenAli.zip 12 MB

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